Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I Confess:  I've Had Botox... And I Love It! 

What is the difference between being in your 30's and and your 20's?  One big thing my dear: crow’s feet!  

How can lines so small annoy me so much? I’ve used all the eye creams imaginable and put on enough cucumbers to make a salad that could feed a small village.  But nothing touches these suckers.  Well, nothing except for my faithful friend, Botox.  Oh, how I love you.

With just a few pinches in the skin, which you can barely feel, I know those little lines will be gone in a week.  No more squinty eyes, and it does more for my eyebrow arch then even the best brow expert could give me.  (I admit it, I went to one once.)

Now, I am not talking joker eyebrows.  I am talking a natural lift that even my friends have commented on.  The lift literally gives me more space on my eyelid to put on eyeshadow.  I am one of those people who is cursed with small eyelids.  You could barely see eyeshadow when I wore it.  But not anymore. 

(Oh, and for all you guys out there, FYI, you can reduce your crow’s feet without arching your eyebrow.  It all depends on how the Botox is given.)

Up until now, I have only confessed this secret to my closest friends, but I guess I just let the cat out of the bag...

So ladies (and gentlemen too), those crow’s feet are caused by muscle movement around your eyes. The only way to really prevent them or get rid of what you already have is to turn to the dark side.  Botox.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I Confess: I Love Thermal Spring Water

I Confess: I Love Thermal Spring Water

Ahh.  I can just picture myself basking in the warm sun of the French Riviera. (Correction, under an umbrella in the warm sun of the French Riviera...)  It’s so calm.  It’s so serene.

Now back to reality.  It’s 95 degrees in New York City, and I can feel my skin melting.  I say, if you can’t have France, at least you can have French water.

My latest addiction is French thermal spring water.  I find it is my perfect accessory to combat the intense heat.

Now all you cynics out there may be thinking “Is a $15 bottle of French water that you spray onto yourself really worth it?  Can NYC tap water in a 99¢ squirt bottle do the same thing?” 

I say, “No way!”  This water comes directly from springs in France and is rich in minerals and antioxidants to soothe my parched skin.  Plus, the way the water gently mists out of the bottle leaves me cool and refreshed, but not wet. 

Look, I haven’t been using it long enough to really experience all of the water's benefits, but I can’t wait to find out.  In the mean time, it makes me smile to think I am bringing France to my face one spritz at a time.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I Confess: I Love Antioxidants

I Confess: I Love Antioxidants

After years as a sun worshiper, I am now happily reformed. But, oh my poor skin.  I am so sorry collagen, I was foolish in my youth.  

Antioxidants, you will be my savior.  SkinCeuticals Phloretin CF is my favorite. Now, to be totally transparent, I have to admit I got it for free.  I actually read about it in Allure, and secretly wanted it.  So when my husband brought home that little blue box for me, I couldn’t have been more excited.  (Although if he brought me home something from Tiffany, I’d have been pretty happy too.)  

Every morning (well, sometimes every other morning) I put the gel on before my sunscreen.  My husband thinks I am delusional in general, but in this case my skin really does look brighter.  One bottle lasted me about six months.  And to my delight, as soon as I have pumped out the very last drop, I have another box waiting for me.  

Maybe this will help me push off a Fraxel treatment?   Nah, I will probably get one of those too, one day...