Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I Confess: I Love Long Eyelashes... And Lots Of Them!

I Confess: I Love Long Eyelashes... And Lots Of Them!

For some things in life, less can be more. While I’d love to eat a whole bag of peppermint patties, only eating one is really better for my waistline.

Moderation is key most of the time, well except when it comes to my eyelashes.  Longer and fuller is unquestionably better.

I remember my very first time. It was my wedding day... These lashes were totally fake and individually glued on. I immediately fell in love.

Now how was I to achieve this without the help of a professional? Oh what a dilemma! It really looks a lot easier to do than it actually is. I watched many a youtube instructional video, and I don’t get how these women do it themselves.

My feeble attempts to enhance my lashes left me literally with one eye glued shut. Totally embarrassed, I was forced to admit to my husband what I was up to in the bathroom for so long. After calming down from his hysterics, he pried my poor eyelid open.

So individual lashes were a big bust.

It was time to turn to the heavy hitter - Latisse. It is by prescription only, but I had to try it. The box is pretty big, so I was surprised to see only a tiny little dropper of medicine. The rest of the box is filled with applicator brushes. I was super motivated. Each night, I put one drop on the applicator then brushed it along my upper eyelid. After a month, I definitely saw a difference. My lashes were longer. 

I knew that I had to use Latisse for a few months to really see the benefit.  But I am a lover of instant gratification.  I can't lie.  I gave up after my bottle ran out. This was an extra step in my evening beauty routine, and it hit the chopping block. I wanted longer lashes and didn’t want to wait.

So what’s a girl to do? For those special occasions (or sometimes just because) there’s always Sephora. For just $10, my friendly Sephora makeup artist fixes me up. After 5 minutes, my lashes are long and luxurious.

Will I go back to Latisse when I have more patience in the future? Probably. But in the meantime, I’ll stick to my lash extensions. They are temporary, but I can always get more!

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